Weeks 1 and 2
The first two weeks of school can be a hectic time for both students and faculty advisors. Many students are still finalizing class schedules, figuring out transportation, and determining work schedules. Many clubs will opt not to meet during these weeks.
Weeks 3 and 4
By the third or fourth week of school clubs intending to reactivate should:
Hold first club meeting
Turn in Reactivation Forms (typically due the 4th week of the semester) Late reactivation forms could result in penalty to the club.
Attend your first ICC meeting. ICC meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of the month at 11 a.m.
Weeks 5 and 6
By now your club should be ready to move beyond the formation stage and get to work! Use your next meeting times to brainstorm projects and goals your club would like to achieve this year. You should also identify the strengths and skills each club member has and delegate tasks accordingly to help move towards your club goals. While many clubs come together because of a shared interest, it is also important to honor and tend to group dynamics and development.
Running your first club meeting of the year:
Always create an agenda to help the club stay on track and accomplish tasks - see below
Bring enough copies of agenda for all members
Delegate someone to take meeting notes during the meeting
Faculty advisors should be present at all official club meetings
Sample Agenda for Club Name
Set your date, time, and location
September 15 / 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. / Campus Center Lounge
2:00 p.m. - Short Ice breaker game to get to know club members
2:10 p.m. - Confirm semester meeting days/times/location
2:20 p.m. - Complete the Club reactivation form (for returning clubs)
Complete the Intent to Establish a Club form (for new clubs)
2:40 p.m. - Review Club Constitution / Mission / Roles (for returning clubs)
Construct a club constitution and mission (for new clubs)
3:15 p.m. - Set meeting day for officer elections (president, treasurer, secretary etc.)
3:30 p.m. - Adjourn
Make time for each club member to share their project ideas and goals for the club. As a group, decide which projects or goals you will take on for the semester or year.
Sample Club Goals
Increase membership to 20 members
Fundraising goals of $200 each semester for end of year potluck
Hold an event on campus to raise awareness about a topic
Attend a conference or competition• Maintain weekly meetings for club activities (chess games, films, etc.)
Understanding your own strengths as well as the strengths of your club members can help your club maximize talents and better understand members. By learning more about the strengths of members clubs can better engage and support each other during their time together.
Contact the Office of Student Life for activities that will help you find your strengths as individuals and as a club.
BC Connect Events
Let students find your club activities in BC Connect! By adding your club meetings and events in BC Connect ALL Butte College students can find and learn more about your club activities.
Posters and Fliers
Posters and fliers should be made by the club. Microsoft Publisher is a useful tool for creating fliers. Most Butte College computers have MS Publisher and it is also free to students using Office 365 on personal devices.
Printing on Campus
All files ready for print should be saved as .pdf
All files should be 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17
Files should be emailed to Becca Hansen at hansenbe@shushijia.net with printing instructions (quantity, color/bw, size)• Prints can be picked up from the Office of Student Life (usually within 5 business days)
Posting on Campus
All posters must be stamped for approval from the Office of Student Life
All posters come down at the end of the month
All posters must contain: Club name, Club contact, event date/time/location (if applicable)
Banners and Table Cloths
Banners and custom table cloths are great for hanging off club tables, events, or parades. These items are purchased off campus and typically cost between $100-$200. Contact the Office of Student Life for more information on this process and suggested vendors.
District Announcements
District Announcement emails are sent to all faculty and staff on campus every Monday and Wednesday. District announcement submissions may only be sent by the club faculty advisor. Instructions to send a district announcement may be found here: http://3x1q.shushijia.net/feeds/da/MiscItems/Darequest-10-17.pdf
Tabling without Submitting a FUR
A Facilities Use Request (commonly called a FUR) is a form that is typically filled out when departments or clubs hold any sort of activity on campus. However, clubs may table on campus without needing to submit a FUR if the following criteria is met:
Tabling location will be in the Campus Center (First floor lobby, First floor Lounge, Cafeteria) or anywhere outdoors (excluding walkways, landscaped areas, doorways, etc.)
Tabling will occur during normal campus operating hours
Non-district persons will NOT be present
Tabling does not require FPM services, space rearrangement, or notification of Campus Police
Steps to table on campus without a FUR
Contact the Office of Student Life and provide the date/time/campus location for tabling. At this time indicate what equipment will be needed (see available equipment below)
On the tabling day come to the Office of Student Life to pick up (and sign-out) items.
When the internal FUR process is required
Club Advisors should follow the internal FUR process if any of the following is true of their club activity. 3x1q.shushijia.net/departments/fpm/facilityuse.html
Additional facilities equipment is needed (audio/visual, dining services, additional tables, etc.)
Space rearrangement is needed
Clubs wish to table in buildings other than the Campus Center (ie Arts, AHPS, CHC, etc.)
Non-district persons will be present
Campus Police needs to be notified
Large Events
If your club intends to hold a large activity, demonstration, or event, please notify the Office of Student Life so we may provide guidance to our campus policies and procedures for large and/or public events.
The Office of Student Life has the following equipment available for clubs to use for events, activities, or team building activities. Clubs should contact the Office of Student Life for instructions on how to borrow items.
6 ft folding table and chairs
Pop-up shade tents
A-frame (sandwich boards)
Sports equipment (soccer ball, Frisbee, hula hoops, ladder ball, limbo, football, bean bag toss)
Inflatable lounge chairs (air sofa)
iPad mini
Square (for accepting credit/debit card payment on a device)
Club Advisors must have part or full-time faculty status and be employed each semester of their advising duties. If no faculty are available, a manager may serve as the Club Advisor with their supervisor’s permission. Two or more faculty/management may advise a club together as Co-Advisors. Co-Advising is a great way to split up the responsibilities of supporting a club. Co-Advisors will both be listed as club contacts and will also split the stipend amount.
CLUB MEMBERSHIP. Our club will be open to all Butte College students regardless of gender, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or social or national origin, class or property, generation, features, languages or dialect, religion or belief or personal philosophy, political opinion or persuasion, membership of a national or indigenous group, birth, or abilities.
EXPECTATIONS. We have read and am familiar with the Club Packet. We understand and accept the regulations and responsibilities regarding student organizations and general student conduct at Butte College. Specifically, we understand that alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed at any formal or informal gathering of the student organization we represent - including to individuals that meet the federal drinking age.
ELIGIBILITY. In order to stay in good standing and retain voting privileges and funding eligibility from the Inter Club Council, we understand that our organization must be represented at ICC meetings each semester. ICC meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. in SAS boardroom (3rd floor). We understand that Faculty advisor(s) must be present at all official club meetings.
INTEGRITY. As leaders of an accredited student organization, we recognize that we will be trusted with decisions and resource allocations on behalf of the entire student body. We will use allocated funds only in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures. We will work to create an inclusive environment for all club members and will not tolerate disreputable acts of others. Furthermore, we will conduct all club business in a professional manner.
The Student Life Office has a wealth of resources for advisors and club members. Stop by or contact the ICC Advisor for information on topics including: advising tips, leadership, group dynamics, group development, team building activities, conflict, fundraising ideas, event planning and more.
Advisor Stipends
Advisors will receive a stipend monthly starting the second semester of club advising (the first semester is probationary). To receive a stipend, faculty must fill out the required district forms at the beginning of each semester. If faculty are sharing the responsibilities with other advisors, the stipend will be split equally among them. If faculty are advising more than one club, the stipends will be combined.
• What tasks need to be finished before the year ends to wrap up projects for the current year. This may include any reimbursements, travel, or other club account housekeeping.
• Who is leaving / Who is returning
• If an advisor is leaving - use these weeks (and your current advisor) to begin your recruitment of a new faculty advisor. Having this in place now for the following year is helpful.
• Who is interested in leadership roles for next year?
• If a current club president or other officer is leaving, use this time to mentor or train members that may be interested in a leadership role in the following year.
• Consider taking a leadership position in the ICC
Content editor:
Jolie Cole-Barrett
(530) 895-2282